Project Description

Building IoT Solution


Facilities managers are responsible for everything needed to keep the building afloat – security, maintenance and engineering, property management, tenant relationships, space planning, environmental control, communications, and more. And the ecosystem in which this takes place is far from static, At the same time, energy costs rise, tenant expectations change, and everything in the building ages and occasionally fails unexpectedly, causing maintenance and engineering headaches. Deploying sensors around an office building, for example, can help you better optimize workspaces. The IoT can monitor what spaces are used, when, and how often.


Sensor-based automation

By capturing environmental and other data, facility managers get insights into space usage. Sensors also empower predictive analytics, alerting managers about potentially dangerous situations. A connected system can respond to an alert automatically, neutralizing a safety threat with no human supervision.

Reduced operating costs

Hospitality, healthcare, and office space facilities use the Internet of Things data to find patterns in usage. Connected tools help determine when the demand for resources is lower than usual and reduce energy and heat consumption. Thus, using Internet of Things electric utilities and other operating cost decrease.

Efficient employee performance

The Internet of Things helps remove daily frustrations from the workplace by seamlessly guiding the team through the day. Environmental sensors help ensure that the temperature and humidity levels at the facility are optimal. Thanks to connected systems, tracking facility area takes less time — thus, your team will be able to process more orders every day.


Connected systems allow facility managers to provide clients with real-time updates. You will get more insight into employee performance as well, understanding how many tasks every team member performs during a workday and the type of assignments people thrive in.

Higher risk mitigation efficiency

IoT is a huge leap for facility managers in terms of contingency planning and physical security. Connected cameras, implanted tags, beacons for ID confirmation, and other tools help detect threats and eliminate them quickly to avoid crises at the facility. The technology provides facility managers with an extensive pool of high-value data, helping support the decision-making process. On top of that, companies start implementing automated planning tools that design optimal routes and workflows based on the data, collected via sensors.

We have more than 120 types of sensors,
5 models of gateways and the appropiate software
to monitor your Building IoT solutions.

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